Photographing White Sands National Park, New Mexico

Travel tips and recommendations for photographing the gleaming, white gypsum dunes in southern New Mexico

White Sands National Park (formerly White Sands National Monument) is a 275 square mile, gleaming white gypsum dune field in southern New Mexico. The area is popular with families for its fantastic dune sledding, hiking, and camping.

Photographically, White Sands is truly one of the most remarkable landscapes in the American West. Its dunes aren't yellow, orange, or beige like other dune fields, but brilliant white. So bright they look like fresh snow. I've photographed White Sands multiple times, and have learned a lot about the park itself, plus the best times and methods for capturing it.

To help you make the most of your trip, I wrote a 29-page eBook (PDF) containing practical information about the park itself, plus creative tips and recommendations for photographing the dunes at all hours of the day. The book is $15 (less than the park entrance fee), and can be comfortably read on iPads, tablets, phones, laptops, whatever you've got.

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eBook: Photographing White Sands National Park
A landscape photographer’s guide to creating fantastic images at White Sands National Park, New Mexico. In this 29 page guide, I share practical informati…