Maven "Wave 2" magnetized filters review

Testing a new lineup of circular, magnetized filters from Maven, including new solid ND densities, dark CPLs and more.

Maven "Wave 2" magnetized filters review

Building upon the success of their first line of color coded, magnetized filters, Maven has launched a new "Wave 2" series of filters filters. Maven sent me pre-release copies of the following filters and accessories for review:

  • 3 stop ND/CPL
  • 6 stop ND/CPL
  • Linear polarizer (LPL)
  • 2 stop ND
  • 4 stop ND
  • 15 stop ND
  • 20 stop ND
  • 3 stop Linear Gradient (1/3 fill)
  • 3 stop Linear Gradient (1/2 fill)
  • Step-up splash guard adapter

Additionally, Maven has also introduced an infrared filter, gold and blue streak anamorphic effect filters, and a focusing filter for astrophotography. I haven't tested or used these, but are now also available.

Disclaimer: Maven provided all filters featured in this review. They have not paid for this review, nor have they had any editorial involvement. All opinions are my own.

Expanded range of solid neutral density filters

Maven has expanded their magnetized solid NDs to include 2-stops, 4-stops, 15-stops and 20-stop densities. Similar to the first wave of filters, the 2- and 4-stop NDs have unique colors and ring designs to make them easier to find in a pouch, while the 15- and 20-stop NDs are dark gold and black, respectively.

I have found the 2- and 4-stop solid NDs to be particularly useful when shooting video. Often, my exposure is either too bright for a 3-stop ND, but not bright enough for 6-stops. Or, a 3-stop ND is too dark. In these situations, having 2- and 4-stop filters offer greater flexibility and control over exposure when following video's 180-degree shutter rule. These extra densities also help bridge the gaps that variable NDs might miss.

Update (Aug 2024): Maven has also introduced a new 5-stop solid ND for even more flexibility when setting exposure.
Maven 2-stop magnetized solid ND
Maven 2-stop magnetized solid ND

The 15 and 20-stop solid NDs are super dark, highly specialized filters for photographers who need the slowest possible shutter speeds. Camera metering, focusing and live previewing will not work with these filters, so you'll need to shoot in Bulb mode with a remote shutter release (and stopwatch) to manually open and close the camera's shutter. I found Photo Pills to be a helpful app tool for calculating long exposure times when testing these filters.

Maven 20-stop magnetized solid ND
Maven 20-stop magnetized solid ND

As expected, the 2- and 4-stop solid NDs are just as good as the first wave of Maven solid NDs, contributing little-to-no color cast to photos and videos. Surprisingly, the 15- and 20-stop solid NDs are solid performers as well, even with extremely long shutter speeds.

For example, the following image was captured using the 20 stop ND with the shutter open for one hour to achieve proper exposure. Leaving the shutter open that long did produce some digital noise and dead pixels with images from my Canon EOS R5, and the 20 stop did seem to skew the white balance a bit cooler than the control.

Control (Left), Maven 20 stop solid ND (Right)

In practical use, I doubt most people will need 15- or 20-stop solid NDs, but they can provide some interesting creative opportunities including super smooth water and sky in landscape images, or empty public areas when shooting architectural.

Overall, all of the new solid NDs perform just as well as the first round of Maven magnetized NDs.

Maven dark circular polarizer filters

Dark circular polarizers (or "Dark CPL" for short) is a single filter that combines a circular polarizer with a solid neutral density filter. This makes it faster and easier to remove reflections, increase clarity, and slow a camera's shutter speed, but without mounting two separate filters.

Maven 6-stop CPL magnetized filter
Maven 6-stop CPL magnetized filter

While convenient, it's important to remember that dark CPLs aren't substitutes for solid NDs. They are circular polarizers with darkened glass, and should only be used when the filtering effects of polarized glass is wanted. Otherwise, solid NDs are a better option when slowing a camera's shutter.

Maven provided me with a 3-stop, 6-stop and 10-stop dark CPL. All have light blue rings (to visually indicate they are CPLs), plus colored notches to indicate density strength. Red is 3 stops, lavender is 6 stops, and gold is 10 stops, similar to their solid ND counterparts. The width of each notch is also different to help make finding the right filter easier when handled in dim light.

I have found these filters to be super helpful when shooting seascapes or any image with water and reflective surfaces, for I can quickly mount a single filter and use it to both slow my shutter speed and polarize undesirable light reflections.

Maven linear polarizer filter (LPL)

Wave 2 also introduces a new linear polarizer filter (LPL) that controls reflections and enhances color density, similar to a circular polarizer, but with superior, more color-accurate glass. LPLs are incompatible with analog film and DSLR cameras because they interfere with the camera's internal mirror, which is why they have never been as common as CPLs. However, with many people transitioning to modern, mirrorless digital cameras, this is no longer an issue. LPLs can now be used instead. I have tested and used the LPL filters, and found their color accuracy to be better.

Maven Linear Polarizer magnetic filter
Maven Linear Polarizer magnetic filter

Also of interest, Maven's new LPL can be used with the Maven CPL and/or Dark CPLs to create variable neutral density filters (VND). Simply mount the LPL in front of a CPL, and rotate to reduce light transmission by however much or little you want.

Performance wise, the linear polarizer filter has no trouble magnetically mounting to the front of the CPLs. It also stays on when moving the camera, and does an effective job of reducing light. That said, their user experience as a VND isn't great. There are stops laser engraved on the outside of the LPL, but there isn't a clear way to align the LPL to the CPL or Dark CPLs. There are no tick marks or hard stops, so you basically have to rotate the LPL and eyeball your exposure using the camera's live preview.

Note: Maven informed me they are looking into changing their PL ring designs to include tick marks.

Using Maven's new LPL with a CPL is a clever value-add for those who occasionally want a VND, but it is not a substitute for an actual VND. It works in a pinch, but isn't practical for day to day use.

Solid linear gradient filters

Also new in Wave 2 are magnetized linear gradient filters. These darken exposure in a specific area of an image, typically the top or bottom, to normalize brightness in bright skies or foregrounds. Maven provided me with two 3-stop hard linear grads: one with 1/3 coverage, the other 1/2. These filters may be mounted and used on their own or in front of other Maven magnetized filters.

Magnetized linear gradient filters from Maven
Magnetized linear gradient filters from Maven

Both linear gradient filters work fine on their own and with the solid NDs, but not so much with the CPL, ND/PL and LPL filters because it's difficult to rotate the linear gradient without rotating both filters simultaneously (which could mess up a PL filter's angle relative to the sun). I also found the thin magnetized ring of the linear gradients to be sticky and somewhat cumbersome to rotate.

It's also worth pointing out that a similar effect can be added digitally later in post using linear gradient masks and/or exposure blending. These linear gradient filters do the job of creating a similar effect with your in-camera photos and videos, but I would only recommend buying these if you have experience with linear gradient filters and know they will be useful for you and the type of work you do. Otherwise, I think the average photographer and/or videographer should be fine burning their photos/videos using digital means in post.

New step-up and adapter rings with inner Splash filters

Wave 2 also introduces new adapter rings and step-up rings with clear splash filters. This means you may leave a step-up or adapter ring on a lens at all times, with or without magnetized filters, to protect the front of the lens against moisture and damage. You can still purchase empty step-up and adapter rings if you prefer having less glass in front of your lens, but I think these new splash versions are a solid win to help mitigate fingerprints, dust, not to mention added protection against accidental damage when dropping a lens.

Maven 77-82mm step up adapter ring with inner Splash filter
Maven 77-82mm step up adapter ring with inner Splash filter

Closing thoughts

Maven's "Wave 2" filters and accessories help expand what was already a solid collection of magnetized filters for photographers and videographers. Of everything I reviewed, I'm particularly fond of the two and four stop solid NDs, for they provide more exposure control when shooting video, and I like the simple, minimal setup of the dark CPLs for long exposure landscape photography.

Overall, I'm still impressed with Maven's color coded system, for it truly makes finding filters easier; especially when rushing to get a shot or digging through a camera bag in dim light. That said, the more Maven filters I carry, the harder it is to remember what each color and ring pattern means.

Like other filter systems, the more you invest, the greater the returns. Using a single filter system for photos and videos across all the lenses I use is fantastic when traveling and working in the field, for then I'm carrying less gear and spending less time mounting and unmounting filters.

All of the filters and adapters mentioned in this review are now available for purchase through Maven's online store, linked below.