My video and photography gear
This is the gear I’m currently using for all my photo and video work. I frequently add, remove and replace equipment, and update these pages anytime something changes.
Photography gear
These are the cameras, lenses and filters I’m currently using for all my photography work.
Video gear
Nearly all of my videos are shot using C-Log 3 or C-Log on the EOS R5, with some b-roll using the R6. When I’m in my office/studio, I record externally to an Atomos Ninja V to avoid Canon’s (annoying) 30-minute record time limit and prevent the camera from overheating.
I begin all my R5/R6 color grades with my Rec.709 Exposure Correction LUTs, then tweak the colors thereafter. I alternate between grading in Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve, whichever is best for the project.
Desktop editing hardware and accessories
I spend a lot of time at my desktop editing photos, videos, coding this website, and writing articles. Here is all of the hardware, software and accessories I use on a day-to-day basis.