Landscape photography
Photography in the Field: Giant Boulders and Mountains of Alabama Hills, California
Photographing the fantastic Alabama Hills in eastern California, historically used as a backdrop for many television shows and movies
Stories, images, and travel recommendations from the places I've photographed
Landscape photography
Photographing the fantastic Alabama Hills in eastern California, historically used as a backdrop for many television shows and movies
Landscape photography
Ever feel inadequate when spending a lot of time editing an image? Like you're covering up mistakes, or making up for your apparent lack of skill with a camera? You're not alone.
Landscape photography
Favorite images from a recent trip to New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, plus one of my biggest mistakes.
Landscape photography
Returning to the magical, mysterious White Pocket in Arizona's Vermillion Cliffs National Monument
Landscape photography
Returning to one of my favorite landscapes in southern Utah for further exploration and photography
Landscape photography
Returning to one of my favorite desert landscapes in southern Utah to find new subjects in an unexplored area
Landscape photography
Exploring (again) one of my favorite landscapes in the American west
Landscape photography
First impressions of Fuji's super high megapixel digital medium format camera, what led me to buy one, and how it compares to what I've been using
Landscape photography
My experience viewing the 70mm IMAX film print of Oppenheimer
Landscape photography
A trip back to the 1980s, shopping for posters with my mom at a local print shop
Landscape photography
Thoughts about the qualitative difference between perfect and imperfect, and why the latter may be preferable in our future AI driven world
Landscape photography
An unexpected roadside find in the Mojave desert